I’m back today talking about my amazing French Door refrigerator that I’m totally ga-ga in love with! You know the one where showed you all of it’s smart fridge organization and storage tips and all of it’s fantastic functions and features? Today I’ll show you that smudge proof stainless steel is not an urban myth like the Yeti, Bigfoot or the Abominable Snowman…. it really does exist! Really!
Frigidaire has come to our rescue to save the sanity of Moms everywhere and have developed a high-tech Smudge Proof stainless steel technology to combat those dreaded fingerprint marks and hours of polishing and cleaning! Hurray!
Are you skeptical about this smudge-proof technology? I was too at first! Let’s put this technology to the test…the mustard test!
We all know how mustard can stain and smear – let’s have a look to see if this smudge-proof technology actually works!
Disclosure: I am part of the Frigidaire Canada Ambassador program with Mom Central Canada and am thrilled that they helped make this post possible today. The opinions on this post are 100% mine.
First I spread on some regular mustard all over my fridge…ooohh this looks nasty!
Then I took a damp paper towel and wiped. Wow – I can’t believe how easily the mustard came off! A couple of wipes and my fridge was clean again!
I dried it with a towel, giving it a couple of wipes.
No streaks! No stains! Look at the shine! This smudge-proof technology really does work!
Mustard loses – smudge proof technology wins!
The extra benefit? I’m saving lots of money too because I now get to skip the cleaning product aisle for stainless steel wipes and sprays while shopping!
So try it and see how your stainless steel fridge compares! Do your own mustard test and compare these smudge-proof results!
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Theresa says
I can’t wait to upgrade my fridge. So pretty! We are planning a kitchen remodel after we do our bathroom. We are doing all the work ourselves. Stopping by from @DearCreatives Theresa
Heather SettingforFour says
Congrats on your plan to remodel your kitchen Theresa!! You’ll love this Frigidaire fridge when you upgrade!!
Maryann @ Domestically-Speaking says
Heather I have a stainless steel and I LOVE the look but HATE the smudges… this looks amazing!
Patricia says
I wash my stainless frig with Green Dawn. After I dry it I use silicone to polish it and this makes it easier to wipe finger marks off later. Works great.
heather says
Thank you so much for your helpful tip Patricia!!
Sharon Hines says
That is amazing!
heather says
Thanks Sharon!
TxGal says
We looked at frigidaire in May when our old frig was failing.
Frigidaire did have the best smudge proof finish and we really liked it. Unfortunately they had terrible drawers and interior finishes even in the $$$$ French door models, and worse, are near the bottom in reliability and repair ratings. We decided on another brand with much better ratings.
heather says
I’m so sorry to hear that you didn’t like the drawers! I’ve had no problem with mine and love how big they are and easy to pull out and push in! The Smudge Proof Finish is just simply amazing – it always looks sparkly clean!
Coleen Hastings says
I have had my Frigidaire Gallery for two years and it has had zero problems. The smudge free finish is amazing! It cleans so easily with just a little dishwater and a soft microfiber cloth. I have the same finish in my oven and microwave as well and they are just as shiny and smudge free.
heather says
So glad to hear you love your Frigidaire Gallery appliances too! The smudge free finish sure is amazing – I agree!
Jill Benner says
I have this fridge and it never looks like that. EVER!!! Smudges and dents all over the place. I can’t wait until the day that I can replace it. I would never recommend stainless steel appliances to anyone, especially with kids. Oh, and the handle on the freezer is about to fall off. I’ve had it for 2 years and Don’t get me started on the fridge doors. They broke months ago, we’ve had to rig them.
heather says
Oh dear Jill! I’m so sorry you have had such a bad time with this fridge! I haven’t had any problems with smudges with this fridge at all and I have teen smudgy fingers on it all the time! I hope your next one is a better fit for you and your family!